Provides full hot-swap automation for GEN4 PCIe drives using the latest U.3 (SFF-TA-1001) specification. This module works with any U.3-compatible device, regardless of the protocol used.

The module has full control over power, data (dual port) and present pins, allowing simulation of any possible hot-swap scenario. Individual control of each signal, pin bounce and high speed glitching combine to greatly increase the number of test cases you can perform. ‘Driving’ is available on some sideband pins, allowing a range of additional tests to drive signals high/low rather than just disconnecting them. The ‘+Triggering’ version has additional MCX trigger IN/OUT to sync with external test equipment.

Drive modules can be used individually for simple bench testing, or multiple units can be used to automate an entire storage enclosure.

Each drive module requires one port on a Torridon Controller. 


This is the basic module.


This version includes external triggering IN/OUT via SMA cables to allow connection to an external analyser or similar.